Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a 皇冠博彩Card cost?
皇冠博彩Card is FREE to all 皇冠博彩 students, faculty and staff. There is only a fee if your 皇冠博彩Card is lost or stolen.
What do I need to do to get a 皇冠博彩Card?
After you have registered for your courses, you must then present a valid photo ID (examples: driver's license, government-issued Identification card, passport, military ID, etc.) and proof of registration to be issued an 皇冠博彩Card.
Where can I get my 皇冠博彩Card?
You can get a 皇冠博彩Card from any 皇冠博彩Card office on any 皇冠博彩 campus. You can upload your own photo before going to a 皇冠博彩Card office for quicker service. To upload your photo go to 皇冠博彩Card's online services GET and register and upload your photo.
How do I add money to my 皇冠博彩Card?
There are several ways to add funds to your 皇冠博彩Card:
- At any deposit machine on any 皇冠博彩 campus.
- At any 皇冠博彩Card office on any campus.
- Using 皇冠博彩Card's online service, GET or use online services mobile app GET.
Where can I download the GET app?
The GET app is available from the Apple App store or the Google Play store.
How can I manage my ACE$ Account?
You can manage your account using 皇冠博彩Card's online service GET. See deposits and purchases and add funds. Go to or download the GET app on your mobile device and sign up.
Does my 皇冠博彩Card expire?
Your 皇冠博彩Card expires once you are no longer a registered student at 皇冠博彩. If you are not registered your 皇冠博彩Card will become inactive and will automatically become active once you become a registered student. Faculty and staff 皇冠博彩Cards do not expire as long as you are currently employed at 皇冠博彩.
How much does a replacement card cost?
A replacement card cost is $15 for students and faculty/staff. Remember, only currently enrolled students and current employees may request a replacement 皇冠博彩Card.